Feeling Good and Hungry? It’s Photo Shoot Time!

I love Skyline. Like, looove it. If I’m having an off day, Skyline’s sweet tea and crackers is all it takes to turn my day around. And our kids love it, too. Before our kids were school-aged, one of my best friends, Erin, and I would take our kids to lunch at Skyline several times a week. It was quick, affordable…and what kid doesn’t love spaghetti or hot dogs?! So when it came time for Erin’s daughter’s first birthday shoot, we traded the traditional cake smash for a 3-Way smash! Little did we know it would “go viral” and we’d be featured on local news channels. Even though it was 3 years ago (to the day)…this shoot is still one of my favorites.


🦁 Logan’s Wild Photo Shoot 🐯


I Never Thought I’d Start My Own Business